Sunday, April 26, 2009

Bamboo Fun or Intuos3? (Artist)?

I have an interest in drawing anime and graphic design. (But mostly anime.)

So I decided to get a tablet.

I have done so much research and have asked various questions here too, but I am still in doubt.


Better price for the product

Less pressure senstivity

Good for casual users


Expensive (Professional use)

Better resolution and pressure sensitivity.

Has more features.

I'm able to afford the Intuos3, but the Bamboo Fun may seem enough.

I'm an artist, so will the Intuos3 really be worth the price jump?

Also, I'm either going to buy the Intuos3 6x11 or the Bamboo Fun Medium.


-Intuos3 6x11 ($369.95)

-Bamboo Fun Medium ($199.00)

These are Wacom's prices. I know there are cheaper ones out there.

So, please help?

Also, I've asked many questions about the same thing on Yahoo! Answers, and nobody gave me a decent answer.

So I would really appreciate if you took the time to write an satisfactory answer for me.

Thank you!

Bamboo Fun or Intuos3? (Artist)?
Let's see, I have an Intuos 3 and I have friends with a Bamboo Fun.

What kind art do you do? Painting, drawing? Or just graphics? Ask yourself that first. I do everything with my tablet, from painting to sketching to out-right designing.

The Bamboo is similar to Graphire, from what I hear, with more twiddle-able functions.

Intuos 3, well, is Intuos. Awesome, don't need to say more.

I LOVE pressure sensitivity. It gives me a great range of lines, colours, tints, etc. The settings on the sides of the tablet are also useful if you want to set functions for them. And it comes with its own wireless mouse, although I don't use that, I know people who use it instead of a regular mouse.

Bamboo, from heard experiences, is really better for a more casual, beginner type of person. It gives you an experience in tablets for a cheaper price. However, for a more driven artist, it's strongly suggested that you invest in a tablet for its great range.

My Intuos is a 6x8, similar to what most of my friends use. I'd recommend it.

My friend, Jinju ( put up a poll about Bamboo vs. Intuos, you may want to check that out. Preferences do differ, but the general consensus IS that Intuos is for the more serious artist. =)

Hope this helped.

Edit to your details: Better resolution is always better, depends on what you want. Vector or painting, both require quality.

And also, most people I know have had their tablet for a long time. One of mine still uses a Intuos 2 and loves it, even though she wants to try an Intuos 3, but there's no real urge for her to change.

Because Bamboo is seen more as "cute", I'd rather invest in the better one, if you're serious, as I've said. =) I've had my Intuos 3 for around 2 years now. Still looks brand new.

Edit 2: And I'd rather upgrade to a Cintiq than from a Bamboo to an Intuos. x__x.

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