Sunday, April 26, 2009

Standard bamboo flooring versus strand woven bamboo flooring? Any opinons?

I have been reading alot about the downsides of bamboo flooring...besides their purported strength people are finding out they dent easily and stratch easier yet. But them I found out some information about Strand Woven Bamboo flooring and seems twice everything that standard bamboo flooring purports to be...anyone have experience with strand woven bamboo flooring (any brand?)????

Standard bamboo flooring versus strand woven bamboo flooring? Any opinons?
Hi, I am a commercial interior designer and we have had a lot of interest in Bamboo floors within the past two years.

There is one major difference between bamboo planks and bamboo woven planks and that is the environment.

All wood dents and scratches easily but it depends on how it is sealed. If you seal Bamboo correctly with a UV and aluminum oxide coating it will perform just like a regular sealed hardwood.

Bamboo woven planks are actual strips of bamboo that are glued together to form planks. The glue factor totally takes away from the environmental aspect of bamboo. Also, the bamboo strand plank uses the same sealant as regular bamboo planks.

When you really compare both products the difference between the two comes down to the appearance of both materials.

Here are two websites that will explain in more detail:

Bamboo Planks:

Bamboo Woven Planks:

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