Friday, May 21, 2010

Bamboo water...die??/?

i have brought this bamboo plant as a decoration piece and i water it everyday. now..iam leaving for a vacation for 2 weeks..if i don't water it for 2 weeks will it die?

Bamboo water...die??/?
If you are keeping it in water or if it has a small pot for its size, it may dry out and die, especially if your indoor air tends to be dry. I would suggest just seeing if a friend or a neighbor can take it in for two weeks and look after it as best they can during that time - it is the sort of thing even people who barely know you will normally try to help out with. I plant-sit for people by having the plants here or stopping by their place if they do not mind leaving me a key - some do and some don't. It may not need water everyday unless the pot is very small in relation to the plant (more like a Bonzai). Just know that if your friend or neighbor is reluctant, you need to assure them that if the bamboo dies anyway, that's OK, you just wanted them to try and keep it alove while you were away - that is what I tell my "plant-sitters" when I go travelling and normally the plants are fine when I get back.

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