Monday, May 17, 2010

Bamboo Shrimp Problem!?

I have a Bamboo Shrimp, and usually he has a gray-brown color and sits in front of my filter, eating the tiny particles that go through it, and he has always seemed happy and healthy.

Lately, he has been extremely reclusive. He rarely comes out of hiding to eat, he never filter-feeds, and when other fish swim by, he usually lurches towards them like he is trying to attack. He is also bright red in color now. Oh! and he hasn't molted lately. He isn't just being territorial because he's unprotected, he has a fully grown and hardened shell right now.

What is wrong? Please someone help me, I know all about fish, but I know very little about shrimp, and he is my favorite pet!

Bamboo Shrimp Problem!?
He/she may be preparing to molt. They are usually less active right before, and by "attacking" your fish, it might be trying to protect it hiding spot for the time when it does.

You might check your water chemistry against the levels they should have, since shrimp have specific levels of hardness and pH at which it's easier for them to molt and harden the new carapace - it could be your levels are off enough that it's difficult for him to split the shell to molt.

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