Monday, May 17, 2010

Bamboo shrimp tank addition?

Ive been thinking of getting 2 bamboo shrimp for my tank but im questionable of the tankmates. I mean will it be a good idea?

I currently have in my tank:

-2 female bettas

-6 albino tiger barbs

-1 indian glassy fish

-1spotted pleco

-1 raphael catfish

-1 apple snail

I know its a bad idea to have tiger barbs in with female bettas but i received them a long time ago and didnt know it was a very bad idea. The only reason i found out that was very recently when surfing the net, but nothing has happened since the barbs are always schooling and busy chasing each other. i will keep in mind the fact though.

Bamboo shrimp tank addition?
the biggest concern really is how big is your tank and how old is it? a small tank isn't that great for them. they need established water with lots of micro-junk to filter out of the water and eat. i wouldn't recommend getting one if you have a tank smaller than 20 gallons that has been up and running for less than 6 months.

as another word of warning don't use products that kill your micro-organisms like pimafix -- it will starve your shrimp to death.

they are a lot of fun to have and watch and most everything leaves them alone. they are fairly defensless but can poke with their little fans and that seems like its enough to ward off most smaller fish.
Reply:i don't think any of your fish will intentionally bother the shrimp.

however, remember with bamboo shrimp they are filter feeders and will position themselves right near the filter (even IN the filter) in order to get food. to stop them starving you may need to target feed them with crumbled plec wafers and other tiny goodies.

i had a bamboo shrimp that sadly passed away after he had a nasty habit of shedding inside of my filter casing and i didn't notice until after a water change :( they're super sensitive at that time.
Reply:I bet you the female bettas will go after it. I put glass shrimp in all my tanks, and the female bettas will take them whole. Although glass shrimp are smaller then bamboo shrimp I'm sure.
Reply:WTF??? I know you're speaking English, what are you saying?
Reply:Your catfish will eat anything it finds which will fit in its mouth. Tiger barbs are pretty aggressive also. This is not a tank where shrimp will last very long in my opinion.


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