Friday, May 21, 2010

Have 40 stalks bamboo tied with wire + in a dish of water. Do they need anything special or just sun + water?

The bamboo has lots of lush green leaves and plenty of roots and has just been moved to a bigger dish cause the roots are growing. It gets plenty of water and drinks a lot in this hot weather. It has been mine since December. All the advice on the web is for potted bamboo. Mine is just in water. Should it be potted? Does it need plant food? It seems healthy.

Have 40 stalks bamboo tied with wire + in a dish of water. Do they need anything special or just sun + water?
no, that's fine.

If it starts to not look healthy cut the ends of the roots off and then put it in straight filtered water. they should be fine without plant food and without being potted. you may pot them if you want

It sounds like lucky bamboo. I have some lucky bamboo which was initially in a small water and pebble filled container, then was moved into a pot with a mango plant and they're groing quite spectacularly.

good luck (no pun intended)
Reply:They'll do better long term if u pot them up. Houseplant compost for indoors or a general purpose for outside. Feed in spring with a little standard fertilizer. Keep shaded for best green colour. Split them and pot up for your friends?


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