Friday, May 14, 2010

Bamboo question?

i have a bamboo plant and all the leaves are going yellow... its been inside and outside... given the right amount of water and been in the sun and out... we have tryed everything... are the old leaves just dying off or is there sumfin rong wif it?

Bamboo question?
The plant is a Dracaenas sanderiana.

The plant needs its water changed weekly and it will live happily on old fish tank water since this will keep it fed without over doing the fertilizer and it has been dechlorinated.

Yellow leaves are possible with overfeeding or over exposure to sunlight. Change the water immediately, move the container further from the light, and don’t feed at all for several months.

This plant likes high humidity and nonflouridated water. If you are using tap water try distilled or bottled water. Just add a couple of drops of aquarium plant food to the water you use to refill the plants container. But do not feed every time you change the water. Over feeding is very harmful to plants especially such a slow growing one.
Reply:How old is it? You must always remember that bamboo is acctually a grass, and only lives for a certain amount of time. Some of them only live for one year, and others can live up to 100! If you can add the type of bamboo you think you own, it might help us help you.

gardengallivant- how can you know exactly what type it is? its imposible without more information
Reply:It will yellow unless you give it a few drops of liquid plant food. It will still be difficult to stop the leaves going yellow unless you plant it into the ground.

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