Friday, May 14, 2010

BAMBOO sliver?

I work with bamboo and yesterday I got a sliver in my right thumb. I've had one before and it hurt terribly bad but it worked it's way out. THIS one, ouch. It is huge, about 3/4 of an inch long and it goes straight down not at an angle like other slivers. There's nothing sticking out to try and pull it. I can barely use my thumb because it hurts to the touch and I can barely bend it. Its getting swollen. Last night while showering, I noticed a rash on my right upper arm and a little on my left upper arm but not as much as the right. You can hardly see the rash , no red or white or any other colored bumps. Is this rash a result of the splinter? Should I let it work its way out or see a doctor? Is there anything I can do ar apply to help it or speed up the process? Thank You for any suggestions or advice.

BAMBOO sliver?
You should see a doctor. I have never heard of a rash because of a splinter??? I hope you get better.

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