Friday, May 14, 2010

Bamboo to eat?

What do bamboo shoots taste like? I was thinking of making them but I have some picky eaters in my house. And how is the best way to make them, like do you boil them or bake them? Please answer, thanks!

Bamboo to eat?
They don't really have much flavor, the texture is like celery. You probably won't like them just by themselves. Usually used to give texure to dishes. Steamed or stir fried. Canned ones are already cooked so any method to heat them is fine.
Reply:I wouldn't plan to cook them by themselves, they have a slight flavor that is good for enhancing other ingredients but not enough to stand up on their own. I like to use them in dumplings, especially prawn ones, and Chinese style soups
Reply:boil seems more the way for plants and ive never eated them

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