Saturday, November 14, 2009

Bamboo sharks?

i read that the minimum tank size for a bamboo shark is 100 gallons and a morray eel is 50, would it be smart to keep both a bamboo shark and a moray eel in the same 100-150 gallon tank?

Bamboo sharks?
Tank Considerations for Bamboo Sharks The absolutely vital thing to consider if one is planning to keep a

brownbanded bamboo shark as a pet is aquarium size. Recommendations vary on the appropriate minimum

size, but they usually are in the range of 180 to 260 gallons. In my opinion, the expert on keeping sharks as

pets is author Scott Michael. His book Aquarium Sharks and Rays is an absolute must-have for shark

owners. Scott recommends a minimum tank size of 180 gallons for an adult bamboo shark and this size is

also fine for a pair of adults. To keep these sharks in anything less is condemning them to a short life span.

So, we urge people not to consider keeping these wonderful animals as pets unless you are willing to commit

the financial resources for at least a 180 gallon setup.

That's the info for the bamboo shark. So 180 gallon tank is good for one or two of the sharks. Therefore, if you were only going to go with one shark and one moray eel (now this depends on what TYPE you're choosing..there are a lot of different ones), you should be fine with 180 gallon tank for both.

Make sure you have a nice cave in there for your eel :)
Reply:Size is important. If either one is big enough to eat the other one, it will. Bamboo sharks are tough enough to keep in a tank as they require expert care.
Reply:Sure it's okay, eels have to eat too.
Reply:Yes you can keep them both however bamboo sharks like to dig in the sand and sleep under rocks. Just be sure your Eel does not mistake him for dinner. (or should I say be sure the eel is small enough and the shark is big enough.)

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