Monday, November 16, 2009

My lucky bamboo is dying TOT Any suggestions on keeping it alive??

I bought these lucky bamboo which are actually a Christmas present for a friend of mine.

However, under my care, one is completely yellow, one's turning yellow, and that only leaves one left that's still "alive and well" (though it seems it won't last long at this pace)

So does anyone have any suggestions on keeping it alive?

The lady that sold it to me just said that water is fine, and is that really the case? 'Cus my bamboos are dying! ToT

My lucky bamboo is dying TOT Any suggestions on keeping it alive??
Question and Answer forum

Frequently Asked Questions

This page contains emails from our visitors, and our responses addressing specific problems they have had with bamboo. We have grouped them for easier navigation. Please see our care instructions for specific information on how to keep your bamboo plants healthy and growing for a long time.

Yellow Leaves/Stems

Spider Mites

Can Bamboo Be Cut?


Virii %26amp; Fungus

Our Care Instructions


I found that one of the stalk is yellow while some leaves on it are still green. I am very upset about this. If you could please tell me some solution so that I don't lose this.


Answer: Manju, it's too late for this stem. As soon as it turns yellow it is dead.

Usually when anything turns that yellow is is already a lost cause.

There are several things you can do if you buy more to prevent this from happening again.

Quick Tips: Lucky Bamboo

Open this link

**********NOTE on the WATER*******

This is key for the water

water only with filtered or natural spring water.

I'm sorry you lost your plant, but, now you will know what to do the next time.
Reply:The shoots may be old and then you can't do anything. Take the leaves off the yellow/yellowing shoots if the stems are still firm.

Try using bottled water - there may be chemicals in your tap water and keep them out of strong sunlight.

Hope this helps.
Reply:That lucky bamboo is a dracena and needs more help in cleaning that indoor air space. NASA did a "Clean Air Plant Study" a few years ago and you should read what the results were.

Someone gave me a dying lucky bamboo and I took it home and put it into some good potting soil and it started to grow like crazy outdoors and when it sprouted new branches I cut and returned them to the friend that gave it to me. Good luck.
Reply:Lukewarm water keeps plants fresh
Reply:Let some water flow into plant pot tin it runs clear... if it's the bamboo plants that are in rocks. I have learned that you never use Miracle Grow or any other fertilizer in them,,,this will kill them.

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