Monday, November 16, 2009

Doesn't anybody know about clumping bamboo?

I answer bamboo questions all of the time because 1) I know quite a bit about it and 2) everybody seems to think that all bamboo is running and invasive

ITs true, running bamboo CAN be invasive if it is not maintained right. The simple solution is to buy clumping bamboo of which there are hundreds of species that thrive and require minimal maintenance from cool to tropical climate zones.

Why do people answer questions and give missleading statements when they just dont know enough to do better?

Doesn't anybody know about clumping bamboo?
I really don't know why you asked this question if you already know the answer or at least that is the impression I get.Well clumping Bamboo is simply a non-invasive bamboo period.

The culm and the rhizome are one. The upper region of the short rhizome has buds and one of these develops into another very short rhizome and then turns upward to come out of the soil as a secondary culm close to the parent.

This process is repeated yearly with the results that all the culms are grouped very tightly together. There you have it and the mystery of the clumping bamboo is solved

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