Monday, November 16, 2009

Propagating Lucky Bamboo?

I just bought a lucky bamboo plant today and it's rather large (24 inches or so.) I'd like to cut it in half. But when I typed it in the google I saw a lot of people talking about how theirs died... I really don't want to kill it.

So what's the proper way to cut a lucky bamboo plant?

Propagating Lucky Bamboo?
If the plant becomes infected when it's cut, it can die.

Make sure you use a disinfected, sharp knife to cut. Once the stalk is cut, it will no longer grow taller.

"If your lucky bamboo is getting too tall and top heavy for the container, cut right above a node. These are the rings that go around the bamboo. A growing center so to speak. Cut right above one of these. Then take the top portion and start all over again and put in water. Roots should appear in time.

The bottom (still in the original container) will sprout more growth from where you cut.

Now you have two plants. The old one from where the cutting was taken and the new one (which is the top) in a new container waiting for roots."

"One of the fun things we find with Lucky Bamboo plants is that you can propagate new Lucky Bamboo by taking cuttings off your original stalks. The easiest way to start a new Lucky Bamboo plant from a donor plant is to cut off a portion of a shoot once it gets foliage on it at least eight to ten inches in length. We recommend cutting the Lucky Bamboo shoot at a 30 degree angle about five inches away from where the stalk originated. Then place this cutting in fresh water and in about thirty days you will have a new, rooted lucky bamboo stalk.

The method to force a Lucky Bamboo stalk to produce another shoot is to cut through the entire stalk about one-quarter of an inch above a segment on the Lucky Bamboo cane. Let this cut area dry and then cover it with wax. In a few weeks you will start to see a new bud begin to burst out from the area just below the segmented area of the Lucky Bamboo cane."

"When it does get too tall, you can cut off each stalk an inch above one of the nodes (the raised rings that grow around the stalk), and it will regrow from there. Lightly misting the tops of the stalks with water can encourage new growth – but wait a few days before doing this, so the cut surface has a chance to dry out first.

Don’t throw out those stalk-tops that you cut off! You can dip the cut end into rooting hormone powder (careful: rooting hormone is toxic, so be sure to read the instructions carefully and follow the safety precautions!) and let it dry overnight. Then set these sections in water and wait. Change the water from time to time just as you do for the original arrangement. Eventually you will see roots emerge."

Good luck!!! Hope this helps.
Reply:You're welcome! Glad it helped :) Thanks! Report It

Reply:I wouldn't cut it. Why would you want to do that? You can buy smaller ones. I would put it in a tall slim vase, with stones in the bottom to hold it up.

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