Thursday, November 12, 2009

New Bamboo Shrimp missing limbs...?

I have a 10g tank on my desk with a gourami, a swordtail, and a bamboo shrimp. My gourami can occasionally show a little aggression towards my swordtail, but i've never seen him even acknowledge that the bamboo shrimp exists, and they seem to be fine. When i bought the bamboo shrimp, he was extremely active and would wander around my tank happily slurping up anything he could catch in his little fan-arms and he seemed like he was really happy. Last night, he hid in one of my plants, and he refuses to come out of it. Sometimes he hangs upside down from the plant, but i know hes not dead because he moves a little bit (and i GENTLY poked him with my little green net, and he swam to the other side of the tank and then jumped back onto the plant where hes been hiding. Since he has hidden in the plant, he seems to have lost one antenna and right front right leg. (not the arm that he eats with, its the first one on the right that he walks with.) Why is he hiding now? what happened to his leg?

New Bamboo Shrimp missing limbs...?
well gouramis can be territorial fish. he might have just noticed the shrimp and tryed to attack it. it probly wasnt the swordy cause their very nice fish.

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